
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Meditation In Daily Life

Meditation should be something that can be carried through into daily life. When life itself becomes a meditation you will be able to concentrate, focus attention on your sitting practice and into other wider things of life.
Most of the time our mind is on everything else, except what we are doing. This leads to stress and forgetfulness. Meditation helps us involve our minds in the moment, keeps us away from stress, forgetfulness and getting lost in the distractions of thoughts.

Our concentration can be improved further by just observing what is happening to us and around us, all the time. This is called mindfulness. Daydreaming is not a negative trait, but you should be aware of what you are doing and shouldn’t simply sink into it.
You can remain mindful, by running a commentary in your head about what you are doing. This helps you to concentrate, become aware and attentive. If you stop one action halfway and start on something else then it will record facts, and later helps you remember where you were in the first action. This running commentary should be done several times a day, for a few minutes at a time. This will train your mind to pay attention to life even when there is no commentary in the head.
Mindfulness helps you to become more effective and organized and continues the process of insight. You become aware even of nature of reality, what it is to be alive, the events in the outside world and our reactions to it.
Distractions in Meditation

You will experience distractions from the start of your meditation. Just sit through and observe whatever you come across during meditation. Only a few meditators ever become free from distractions. The ups and downs in meditation can be a distraction in itself.
What To Do About Distractions

Distractions maybe caused by different types of sounds and noises. Sometimes, bodily sensations like itching in the nose, aching of the hands, irritation in the eyes can also cause distractions. Meditation is not an escape from reality. Distractions both inside and outside the mind are part of that reality, “so simply observe them”, without ignoring or reacting to them.
During meditation unpredictable intrusions, interfere and affect ones meditation and the sound deliberately shatters ones tranquility. But remember if anyone reacts to any sound, then they were not in a state of tranquility. In tranquil state the mind accepts the sound simply.

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